One of my favourite dishes is a kind of Chinese pastry that is somewhat likened to puff pastry, but less fluffy, the layers are thicker, and coated with white sesame. Different varieties are used in different dishes, for example, the pastry with mince uses just oil to separate the layers, made into a longer rectangle and cut into half, while the pastry with beef slices used sesame paste (kind of like tahini but fried) to separate the layers, and made into individual round pockets. Its best served hot off the pan, and reheated pastries are 100 times less flavoursome than the freshly made

pastries. Not only that the texture is completely lost (turns hard). I prefer having less filling because I love the pastry, but I kept being told off for not stuffing the pockets!!!!
Another great summery dish is cold prawns with thick mung bean noodles and cucumber, drizzled with garlicky sesame paste dressing. Appetising and refreshing, I can have stacks of this stuff and never get sick of it (well maybe after 2 platefuls I may get a little ill...)
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